Express & Star

JAILED: Vectra driver hit 90mph in 30 zone, ran red light and went wrong way down one-way road

A dangerous driver has been jailed after reaching speeds of 90mph in a 30mph zone while being chased by police through the Black Country.


After smashing into an oncoming car in Netherton, shameless Daanyaal Alias then had the cheek to blame the police for forcing him to tear through the streets.

The 20-year-old raced over speed humps at 58mph, driving the wrong way down a one-way road, ignoring a red light and speeding over a narrow humpback bridge in a Vauxhall Vectra.

At Wolverhampton Crown Court this week Judge Marcus Tregilgas-Davey told Alias it was 'sheer good fortune' that nobody had been killed and sentenced him to 18 months behind bars.

Prosecuting, Miss Fiona Cortese, explained how Alias, of Lupin Road, Kates Hill, was spotted by police 'tailgating' other cars in Cinder Bank on August 11.

The officers, who were in an unmarked car, checked the details of his car and found he was not insured.

But when they switched on their flashing lights Alias sped off along Northfield Road.

He led the police to Halesowen Road, and then Cradley Road, before smashing into a wall at Griffin Street.

Miss Cortese said he was able to reverse away and continue, returning to Halesowen Road, which is where he reached 90mph.

Alias drove through a red light before then flying over the narrow humpback bridge in Springfield Lane at 55mph.

The chase came to a dramatic end one mile away in Oakham Avenue when Alias failed to cut a corner and hit a Vauxhall Astra.

Miss Cortese, said: "The defendant got out of the car. He was detained by police and arrested.

"He showed no remorse at the scene. He said he was unlucky to be caught and that it was the police's fault for chasing him."

Defending, Marcus Harry, said his client had made a 'foolish' decision.

He added: "This is not an example of where a young man has his friends in the car and is showing off.

"It is an example of a young man who made a very foolish and dangerous decision on that day and one he regrets."

Judge Tregilgas-Davey said the driving had been so dangerous that only an immediate custodial sentence was appropriate.

He added: "Most of the area you were driving through was residential.

"It was by sheer good fortune that you didn't kill someone, and I include in that yourself.

"You have shown absolutely no remorse for your actions that day. You even had the gall to criticise officers at the scene."

Alias was sentenced for 12 months on one count of dangerous driving and had six months of a suspended sentence activated by the judge.