Express & Star

JAILED: Wolverhampton man punched, kicked and used metal table leg to attack partner

A man who used a metal table leg to cut and bruise his partner's face, and then attacked her again four months later, has been jailed for a total of four years.


David Oliver Churchman, 31, of Tettenhall Road, Wolverhampton, was sentenced at Wolverhampton Crown Court for committing offences of causing actual bodily harm and criminal damage on February 20, and for again causing ABH and assaulting a police constable in the execution of his duty on June 7, this year.

Representing Churchman, Simon Burch said that both offences occurred after the defendant, who works for a sewage company, had been drinking with his partner.

The first occurred at her Stourbridge home, after they had been drinking and got on to the subject of their previous sexual partners. "It provoked a jealous response," said Mr Burch.

Churchman smashed up the living room furniture, then struck the victim, punched and kicked her and then broke a metal leg from a table and brought it down on her.

The court heard the victim was left with a nasty cut to her face and a black eye. Churchman was arrested for this offence and bailed, but then the couple resumed their relationship and ended up living together.

However, on June 7, Churchman proceeded to attack the same victim, after he again became jealous because he came home to find her with another man, with whom he believed she was having an affair.

Detailing this second incident, Her Honour Judge Kristina Montgomery QC said: "You told her that this was the day that you were going to kill her."

Despite efforts by the victim to get away, Churchman dragged her back into the property before running off and shouting abuse at a member of the public who tried to intervene. A police officer who attended the scene chased after him, but during the arrest there was a struggle and he was verbally abused and punched by Churchman.

For the ABH committed on February 20, Churchman received 27 months imprisonment, and a concurrent sentence of two months for the criminal damage.

For the offence of ABH on June 7 he was given a further 18 months in prison, and a consecutive sentence of three months for assaulting the Pc, making a total of 48 months in custody.

A restraining order banning Churchman from having any contact with the victim for five years was also imposed.

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