Express & Star

Pensioners targeted by cruel thieves across the West Midlands in phone call con

Distraction burglars are targeting pensioners across the West Midlands by claiming they need change for a pound coin to make a phone call.


Police have told residents to be vigilant after a spate across the Midlands - including one offender trying to snatch cash from a purse inside a house.

But West Midlands Police said despite heightened alerts over these crimes, the number of distraction burglaries have fallen significantly over the last decade across the force area.

The latest crime happened in Lockington Croft, Halesowen around midday on June 7 when an elderly woman answered her door to a younger woman who asked for change to call a taxi.

Detectives say the woman followed the pensioner into her house before trying to snatch money from her purse. However on this occasion she left with nothing.

But other incidents have been reported happened in Lower Gornal, Kingswinford, Oldbury, West Bromwich recently.

They say the spread of the offences stretch even further afield to Walsall, Wolverhampton and east Birmingham.

Officers have told people to be on guard as on most occasions the set up is the same - the offender targets an elderly person, who has often just come from a bank or post office, and asks them for change to make a phone call.

There have been 65 recorded distraction burglaries in the financial year to date with 213 last year and 231 in 2012/13. Just a decade ago 929 offences were recorded.

Detective Inspector Ben West, from Force CID, today said: "This type of offence is extremely worrying as they are targeting the more vulnerable members of our communities.

"The victim will naturally try to help when asked for change and often allows the offender access to their home, and while they are distracted will find that their cash or valuables have been taken.

"In several of the incidents the offender is described as Asian or Eastern European, 5' ? 5' 2" tall, in her 40s and of stocky build with long dark hair. A number of victims have also reported that the offender had gold teeth."

Police arrested a 31-year-old Washwood Heath woman last Friday (June 13) on suspicion of burglary. She has been released on police bail while enquiries continue.

Meanwhile police are scouring CCTV from the areas that the offences took place looking for clues and extensive house to house enquiries are being carried out.

DI West added: "We are urging residents to be wary of callers at the door or anyone approaching them in the street. Purses and wallets should be kept out of sight in a closed bag or inside pocket when out and about.

"We would also ask people to keep a close eye on their elderly neighbours during the warmer weather when doors and windows are often left open."

Anyone with information which will assist the investigation is urged to call Force CID on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.