Express & Star

Robber who stole £3,000 from woman in her 80s in Bilston is jailed

A frail pensioner in her 80s was robbed of £3,000 while she walked down a street before being pushed to the ground by her attacker.


Jason Hall, aged 39, followed the woman and her partially sighted husband down an alleyway before pouncing on them after they had withdrawn the cash from Natwest Bank in Bilston in January this year.

Hall, who has 27 convictions and 38 offences over 23 years, swiped the victim's purse from the top of her walking frame which she used to help her walk and pushed her over onto her husband before making a run for it.

The details of Hall's robbery were heard at Wolverhampton Crown Court yesterday where it emerged members of the public, including a woman in her 60s, gave chase after drug addict Hall.

Miss Alka Brigue, prosecuting, said: "The victim suffers from osteoarthritis and she was with her husband who is registered as blind. They had been to Natwest bank in Bilston town centre to withdraw money.

"She had put the money into an envelope placed it in her bag and balanced it on her zimmer frame. They walked down the alleyway which was at the side of the bank.

"CCTV shows the defendant went outside the bank and followed them.

"He has grabbed the bag and there was struggle. The defendant pushed the complainant who has lost balance and fallen on to her husband who has also fallen to the ground.

"This was witnessed by several members of the public. This included a lady in her 60s who chased after the defendant as far as she could."

Hall was caught hiding near the tram lines of a nearby tram bridge before being taken back to the scene of the crime by a police officer and the money and handbag was recovered.

He was arrested and during police interviews he gave no comment.

A victim impact statement was read out to the court that said: "This man doesn't have the right to steal my money. This has left me shaken up.

"It felt like a dream as it happened and I am grateful that I was not badly injured.

"I should be able to go about my business. I believe I was targeted because I was disabled."

Hall, wearing a grey jumper and grey jogging bottoms, sat back with his arms out stretched as details of his crime was read out.

His defence barrister Mr Adrian Stephens told the court: "He believed he could take the bag and just run. But he couldn't, it was a bag snatch that went wrong.

"The problem with Mr Hall is that for 18 or 19 years he has been a class A drug addict. He comes out of prison with the intention to start again and falls into the same pattern."

Hall of no fixed addresses pleaded guilty to robbery.

Recorder Mr Geoffrey Pryce sentenced Hall to three years in jail.

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