Express & Star

Teenager is beaten with weapon at Cradley Heath party

A 17-year-old was knocked to the ground by an electric charge from a Taser-type weapon and beaten with a cosh or baton when violence flared at a friend's house party, a judge heard.


Kieran Horton was pounced on shortly before midnight by people he did not know but had seen earlier in the evening in the back garden of the house in Haden Hill Road, Cradley Heath, Wolverhampton Crown Court was told.

Mr Oliver Woolhouse, prosecuting, said: "He was chatting with people outside the property when he was attacked by some of the males he had seen earlier. He was hit numerous times, struck on the face and shoulder with a cosh or baton and fell to the floor after receiving an electric shock from a Taser-type device."

The brutal assault was halted by other revellers at the party and those responsible ran off leaving Mr Horton to be taken to hospital where he received treatment for a fractured collar bone.

He also had two front teeth broken, a lacerated lip and marks to his body where the Taser-type device had come into contact with his skin following the incidenton December 20, 2012, the court was told.

Vito Chander and Jack Flood pleaded guilty to affray on the basis that they took part in the incident but were not armed and had not personally caused the injuries suffered by the victim.

This was accepted by the prosecution.

Mr Woolhouse explained: "They admit attending the party and joining in after a fight started. They did not have a weapon but others did. They accept responsibility for the injuries in that they were part of the group although they did not cause them."

Miss Sarah Allen for Flood, aged 20 of Huntington Road, Hateley Heath, West Bromwich, who lost his job as a retail duty manager as a result of the incident, said: "This is a sad situation that happened when a young man went out and got drunk. He comes from a good family and his stupidity has cost him his job."

Mr Gurdeep Garcha, representing 19-year-old college student Chader from Monmouth Drive, Hateley Heath, commented: "He is deeply ashamed of himself. This is a serious case stemming from a momentary aberration. It was a stupid and grave mistake he has no intention of repeating."

Judge Michael Challinor told the defendants: "You joined in a fight you did not start. You were fighting thoughtlessly and stupidly and did not intend to cause the injuries that were suffered."

The pair were given nine months' detention in a young offenders institution suspended for 18 months, told to do 120 hours unpaid work and ordered to pay the victim £2,000 compensation.

Mr Horton's father Dean said: "The punishment handed out in that court stinks. I now have no faith in the justice system."