Footballer broke pub worker's jaw in Stourbridge birthday attack
A footballer fractured a pub worker's jaw by punching him in the face in an unprovoked drink-fuelled attack, a court heard.

Connor Gater, aged 21, who plays for Tipton Town FC, was out celebrating his birthday when he assaulted Steven Gardner, magistrates were told.
The court heard Gater was 'heavily intoxicated' and had got into an argument with friends.

As he walked back through the pub he kicked a bar stool before picking it up and throwing it.
Magistrates heard Gater, of Ridge Street, Wollaston, was challenged by Mr Gardner who asked him to leave.
Mrs Maxine Jarrousse-Jones, prosecuting, said Gater became aggressive and punched the barman once, fracturing his jaw.
"When Gater was arrested he admitted to police what he had done and was remorseful," she said.
Gater admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm at a previous hearing.
He was given a 12-week prison sentence suspended for a year and ordered to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work. He was also ordered to pay £750 compensation.
Mr Michael Davies, defending, said Gater realised he had overstepped the mark during the attack at the Old Crispin pub in Stourbridge on July 30.
"On the night in question my client and Mr Gardner encountered one another again when they were on their way home," he said. "My client apologised for what he had done."