New image of on-the-run murderer Alan Giles

Police hunting for on-the-run murderer Alan Giles today issued a new photograph of him they stepped up their efforts to find him.


The photograph was taken in the last few months and is considered to be a more up to date likeness of Giles.

Giles has been on the run since last Monday when he absconded from HMP Hewell, near Redditch.

Detectives are stepping up their search for Giles and are renewing their appeal to the public to help find the convicted killer.

Officers still believe the 56-year-old is probably in the South Warwickshire or South Worcestershire areas and may be sleeping rough.

However they said today they are keeping an open mind and he could be further afield.

Det Insp Leighton Harding said: "We are issuing this new image of Alan Giles in a bid to trace him. We are very pleased with the public's response so far but we need as many people as possible to see this new photograph and tell us if they spot Giles. It is vital that members of the public do not approach Giles but if they do see him they should ring us on 999 immediately."

During the weekend an advertisement van drove around South Warwickshire with a wanted appeal featuring a photo of Giles.

Giles, who has family in the Oldbury area, was serving two life sentences for the kidnap and murder of 16 year-old Quinton student Kevin Ricketts in 1995.

He is described as a white man, 5ft 9ins tall, with short grey hair and blue eyes. He has tattoos of a shark, swallow and flower on his left arm and an eagle on his back.

Anyone who spots Giles should call police immediately.