Express & Star

Two arrested after woman sexually assaulted on canal towpath

Two men have been arrested after a woman was sexually assaulted on a canal towpath in Kidderminster in the early hours of this morning.


The men, who are both in their late teens, were arrested in connection with the assault, which took place at around 2.55am on a canal towpath near to the Tesco supermarket on Castle Road.

Officers were called to the store after staff reported that a 19-year-old woman had been assaulted nearby. An area of the towpath from Castle Street to the trolley park entrance at the side of the store was subsequently cordoned off.

Detective Inspector Leighton Harding said: "The victim is understandably very distressed by what has happened and is currently being supported by specially trained officers.

"Although two men are already under arrest in connection with this incident, we are still in the early stages of an investigation and in the process of establishing exactly what happened and who was involved.

"We are particularly keen to hear from anyone who either used the towpath between 2am and 3am or recalls seeing the victim stood with a group of men outside the main customer entrance of the supermarket during these times.

"Following police activity near the store, we have already received a number of calls from members of the public about this incident. I would like to thank those people for contacting us and also, pass on our appreciation to those in the area for their patience while we carried out inquiries at the scene."

Anyone with information can contact police 0300 333 3000 quoting reference 90S 060713.