Express & Star

Drunken row led to man being stabbed in back with glass shard

A drunken confrontation in a flat led to a man being stabbed in the back with a shard of glass from a broken mirror, Wolverhampton Crown Court was told.


Violence flared after Andreas Tamaliunas went looking for his partner and burst into the home of Mark Cox who lived in the same block, Mrs Sati Ruck, prosecuting, said.

He hit the unnamed woman on the head when she refused to return with him, prompting the other man to intervene, the court heard yesterday.

Mr Tamaliunas then turned on Cox, aged 27, who had the piece of glass.

Mrs Ruck added: "Initially his intention was to protect himself and others in the flat but then he went beyond the bounds of self defence and stabbed Mr Tamaliunas in the back."

The victim suffered a six-inch wound just below the left shoulder.

Mr Jon Roe said: "The mirror was already broken before this incident and he simply picked up the piece of glass hoping it would scare off the injured party but when that did not happen he felt compelled to act to ensure the person left his home."

Father-of-two Cox, of Vernon Road, Bilston, who had previous convictions, admitted wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm Mr Tamaliunas on February 6 and was jailed for two years and four months.

Judge Amjad Nawaz told him: "This was a very nasty injury that fortunately left no lasting effect."

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