Express & Star

Murder victim treated vice girl 'like princess'

A prostitute told a murder trial jury that she left a businessman who had treated her "like a princess" – showering her with gifts, and bankrolling her for £7,740 – lying on a bed after a robbery.


Emma Bate, who had described seeing her boyfriend with his hands round Richard Sherratt's throat and later climbing off him on the bed, said she "panicked" and left his flat.

She claimed she did not know Mr Sherratt, formerly of Stourbridge and Kinver, had died until the next day.

A police officer informed her of his death by phone.

Mr Peter Grieves-Smith, cross-examining her at Stafford Crown Court, asked if she knew that had 57-year-old Mr Sherratt been placed in the recovery position he might have lived, to which she replied "no".

Bate, aged 26, who used to live in Cannock but now of Gladstone Street, Birmingham, denies murder but admits robbing and defrauding Mr Sherratt. Her boy-friend, Paramjit Singh – whom she calls "Dave" – 32, of Willmore Road, Birmingham, has pleaded guilty to murder and robbery.

A client of Bate's, Michael Smith, aged 51, of Horton Street, Tipton, denies robbery. Bate told the jury: "I feel really bad because he treated me like a princess."

She admitted she had once tried to blackmail him into giving her £2,000 by turning up with a black eye and telling him she would say he caused it – but she claimed he later forgave her.

On the night of June 13 last year, she and Singh were driven to Mr Sherratt's flat in Old School Mews, Bridgnorth, by Smith, who had been told she was going to pick up some money from a friend. Smith stayed in the car outside while she and Singh went inside, using a key she had to the flat.

Bate told the court Mr Sherratt was asleep and jumped up "startled" when she turned the light on.

The hearing continues.