Express & Star

Vandals target cars in Kingswinford wrecking spree

Vandals have gone on a wrecking spree causing thousands of pounds worth of damage to cars in Kingswinford


Vandals have gone on a wrecking spree causing thousands of pounds worth of damage to cars in Kingswinford

There have been 24 reports of criminal damage to vehicles in the area since the end of June. Windscreens have been smashed by bricks, wing mirrors ripped off, wipers bent and roofs trampled on.

The attacks have all been in within a mile radius in Barnett Lane, Cedars Avenue, Cot Lane and Broad Street. And most of them have happened between 1.30am and 3.30am.

Residents say they fear one gang is responsible –and will keep returning until they are caught. Officers have stepped up overnight patrols in the area to try and ensnare the culprits.

Grandfather Dennis Wooldridge, aged 73, of Broad Street, was woken by a "huge bang" at about 3am on Sunday when he discovered a rock had been hurled through his Renault Clio's back window. He had only had the 10-year-old car for three weeks, after his Peugeot 106 was written off in a crash.

The retired pressure die-caster said: "I felt absolutely sick when I saw what had happened. I've lived here since 1973 and I've lost countless wing mirrors but this is the worst I have ever known it."

Sharon Shaw's Volkswagen Golf was written off when her back window was shattered by a brick on July 1. The 54-year-old market researcher, of Broad Street, has not been able to work this week as she has no transport.

She said: "I just keep wondering what on earth they get out of doing this?

"It is so frustrating. This problem has been going on for years and people are getting tired of it."

Police are appealing for anyone with information to come forward. Sgt Chris Collins said: "If you have any information even if the think it's nothing significant please get in touch.

"We are also aware that some residents have their own CCTV systems and would ask that they get in touch too. Even if your camera hasn't picked up an incident it may have captured vital images of the offenders in the area." Call police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800555111.

By Adam Burling

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