Express & Star

In-Comm Training launches Skills Barometer

Businesses across the West Midlands are being encouraged to take part in a major new survey designed to identify the current skills landscape.

Last updated

Walsall-based In-Comm Training, which provides apprenticeships, upskilling courses and consultancy to over 250 companies across the UK, has launched its skills barometer to help it identify how Brexit and Covid-19 is impacting on firms and their planned investment in training and the talent of the future.

A simple online survey takes just five minutes to fill in and aims to get an insight into if apprentices are being kept on, if businesses are still training staff who are on furlough and how future intentions on training and apprenticeship recruitment are shaping up.

The data will then be used to provide a compelling ‘skill’s case’ to help influential trade bodies talk to Government about the support and funding required.

“The last year has been one of the most demanding in living memory, with companies having to contend with the uncertainty and economic pressure created by a joint combination of Brexit and Covid-19,” explained Gareth Jones, managing director of In-Comm Training.

“There is little doubt that the way businesses approach skills and training has changed and we need to make sure we can help management teams continue to invest in their workforces.”

He continued: “If we can understand how firms will utilise skills development as part of their bounce back against the pandemic, then it will help us to ensure we are providing courses that will boost productivity, increase efficiencies and deliver other tangible bottom line benefits.

“Our barometer will hopefully be the largest report on skills completed in the last twelve months and we will use the findings in discussions with MPs, Ministers and trade organisations, including the Confederation of British Metalforming, Make UK and Made in the Midlands.”

For the first time ever, In-Comm is also running a barometer for school pupils about their thoughts on possible career paths, apprenticeships and what attracts them to the vocational learning route.

The Ofsted ‘Outstanding’ training provider has already teamed up with a number of schools to help get the largest number of responses possible and is also opening up the survey ( to other educational establishments and any pupils aged between 14 and 16-years-old.

Jayne Guest, head of apprenticeship engagement, concluded: “The skills gap we are trying to bridge requires a healthy pipeline of young people looking to take the apprenticeship route and that is why we wanted to do a Barometer for young people to try to get their thoughts on the current situation.

“They will be very nervous about the impact of Brexit and Covid-19 on career opportunities, but we are here to help guide them through any questions they have, not to mention reassuring them that employers are still keen to invest in new talent.”

Results of both Skills Barometers will be published on February 8, the first day of National Apprenticeship Week 2021.

In addition to the survey, In-Comm Training will also be holding a round table for employers and a virtual open day for young people and parents wanting to find out more about apprenticeships, the technologies you can learn and a possible career route to a degree.

The two surveys can be found at:

Employer survey:

Student survey: