Express & Star

Chamber celebrating Black Country Day

The Black Country Chamber of Commerce has launched a local business campaign to coincide with Tuesday’s celebrations of Black Country Day.


The chamber is encouraging businesses to join in with their social media campaign to help them shine a spotlight on individuals and businesses in celebration of July 14.

Black Country Day helps to celebrate the area's industrial heritage and The Black Country Festival, established in 2014, helps to raise awareness of the day, bringing together a host of community events under one banner during the month.

Celebrations this year will take place virtually due to the impact of Covid-19, and the chamber is giving members the opportunity, and platform, to celebrate the day with them virtually.

The leading business support agency is asking businesses to get in touch and tell them about a significant moment or milestone in their organisation’s history, why they are proud to be based in the region, how has their business supported the local community or its people, or even shout about another local business or leader that has supported their start-up, growth or expansion.

The campaign will run across the Black Country Chamber social media channels including Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.

The Chamber wants companies to upload their posts onto their own social media with the hashtag #BCDay2020 – making sure they tag the Chamber channels in at the same time so posts can be reshared.

The accounts are: Twitter: @BCCCmembers; LinkedIn: Black Country Chamber of Commerce and Facebook: @BlackCountryChamber