Express & Star

Resilient annual figures for Andrews Sykes

Heating and air conditioning group Andrews Sykes saw sales and profits slip last year.


The Wolverhampton group's results for 2019 saw pre-tax profits down from £21.1 million to £18.6m on revenue down from £78.5m to £77.2m.

Profits after tax were also down from £17m to £15m.

Despite the fall they were the group's second best ever set of results.

Since the end of the year, the coronavirus pandemic has hit the UK but Andrews Sykes says that it remains resilient with continuous demand for its products.

Chairman Tony Murray said the group was facing an unprecedented challenge in the form of the coronavirus pandemic.

"We are thankful and proud of our team members who continue to respond as essential service providers," he added,

The group’s trading in the first quarter of 2020 started positively, especially in the UK where the pump hire business benefited from the recent abnormally wet weather while March was unfavourably affected by the pandemic.

Mr Murray said: “As many of our products are sourced from China, our supply chain was only mildly affected as most of our goods had already been delivered before the virus spread.

“Customer demand in specific geographical areas of our business has been affected more than others. Our relatively small businesses in Italy and France faced strict lockdowns in late February and March, and the UK introduced a more flexible lockdown on March 23.

“The Benelux countries have adopted a similar approach, we are able to continue to trade, albeit at a reduced level and with increased health and safety and social distancing measures. In the UAE trading is also continuing but at a lower level than in the past.

“The Board has in the past declared two dividends, an interim of 11.9 pence per share payable in November and a final, also of 11.9 pence per share, payable the following June. The Board has decided to propose a final dividend of 10.5 pence per share that will be paid in June 2020.”

In the UK the group has temporarily closed some of its smaller depots, introduced social distancing measures in our larger depots and embraced at home working employees.

"Our priority is to keep operations safe for customers, employees and business partners," said Mr Murray.