Roof lights firm has a clear view of a bright future at its new Bilston home, thanks to Bulleys
A roof lights manufacturer has moved into bigger premises in Bilston and aims to recruit more workers to cater for its growing national workload.
Property agents Bulleys in Wolverhampton worked with BBS Roof Lights to help the company move into the former ACT office furniture factory in Salop Street, giving the firm 15,000 sq ft of industrial manufacturing space.
BBS Roof Lights specialises in the design, manufacture, supply and installation of rooflights, glazed walkways and glazed canopies for domestic, commercial and industrial customers UK-wide.
Currently national sales director Tony Nicholls and his three-strong team are handling contracts from up and down the country from their new base, which is in the middle of a major internal redevelopment project.
"The renovation is part of a three-year plan for the building," said Tony. "But we hope to start recruitment of around five new workers by the middle of this year.
"We are proud of the quality of our products and services and we are seeing a lot of demand for our work at the moment, particularly in London where roof lights are an increasingly popular feature of developments as people want more natural light in their homes and workplaces.
"We are also carrying out work in Scotland and a project worth around £250,000 in Birmingham.
"BBS started out in Spon Lane in West Bromwich more than 20 years ago. Like a lot of firms in the construction industry, we have seen our ups and downs, but things are very definitely on the up at the moment. We moved to Bilston a few years ago, but we needed somewhere bigger to cater for our growth.
"It was sad to see ACT depart – they made good quality office furniture – but we have big plans here."
He added: "Bulleys handled the property transaction and it all went very smoothly. They kept us informed and made the process as easy as it could be."
James Bird, senior associate at commercial property specialists Bulleys, said: "There was some complexity to this deal but all the parties worked together to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion in a timely manner.
"We are delighted that an ambitious company such as BBS Roof Lights can grow while remaining in the area – good quality industrial premises are at a premium at the moment.
"The fact that BBS moved in as soon as ACT vacated the premises is evidence of that pent-up demand."