REI offers up to £5 million to boost West Midlands business
Real Estate Investors is offering to boost one or more West Midlands developers, investors or entrepreneurs with equity from £250,000 up to £5 million for a promising opportunity.
The REI equity will be made to a West Midlands individual or business, with applicants invited to send in a one-page synopsis explaining their proposal and why it requires funding.
A shortlist will be drawn up and the winning entries chosen by a panel of property experts at the.Birmingham-based publicly-listed property company.
Black Country businessman and REI chief executive Paul Bassi said: “We are open minded as to ideas. They could be early stage finance for property development or investment, where the business has the land or property but does not have the finance to complete the project. It could be a potentially successful retail, residential industrial or office idea.”
Expressions of interest are invited in a one-page format to and must be submitted by July 31. The REI panel will consider them during August and the winner will be announced in September 2018.