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Video wins Fisher German award

A leading property consultancy has won an award for an innovative training video which will save utility companies thousands of pounds.


Fisher German triumphed in the Innovation category of the West Midlands RICS Awards 2018 for its Toolbox Talk Video which provides specialist training on construction projects.

Judges said that the pioneering video, created by the firm’s Stafford office, demonstrates the benefits of improving processes and could result in huge savings in cost, carbon and potentially casualties.

Fisher German advises utility companies on land and planning matters relating to infrastructure projects, but a key weakness in design and build schemes was identified as the specific requirements of soil and land management are not always known by contractors undertaking the construction.

To combat the issue and prevent what can often be expensive mistakes, the firm created the entertaining animated video as an effective risk management tool to reduce risk of damaging property as well as the client’s reputation in infrastructure projects.

The video story shows the impact of best practice versus poor practice on landowners, contractors, clients and health and safety on water pipeline projects.

The video typically costs utility companies just a few thousand pounds, compared to costs running to tens of thousands of pounds to receive bespoke one-off face-to-face training in multiple locations.

RICS judges said: “This project showcases how improving the process, not just the end result of an infrastructure project can bring massive benefits.

“Engaging hearts and minds early in the process through carefully thought out animated storytelling, which highlights ‘chaos theory’ in terms of how poor decisions magnify later in a project into large problems.

“If the messages are taken on board by contractors and land owners alike, then the result is massive savings in cost, carbon and potentially casualties.”

The training video was developed with Severn Trent Water and is in the process of being rolled out to its contractors operating across the Midlands, Gloucestershire, Mid Wales and the Humber, and is already attracting interest from other major utility clients.

It will now go on to compete in the national RICS Awards 2018 grand final, taking place on November 2 in London.

George Simpson, of Fisher German, said: “We are delighted that we have received this recognition for our Toolbox Talk Video.

“The video acts as a risk management tool that can deliver a large amount of information quickly, concisely and consistently and production costs are extremely modest in comparison to those of bespoke training sessions.

“Most of the projects shortlisted across the award categories had a surveying or construction theme, with many being large-scale construction projects, whereas ours was completely different being an animated video.

“It’s all about trying to improve performance and giving a better outcome for everyone involved in construction projects, so has a very broad appeal.

“We are now looking forward to getting the training tool out into the industry and to the national final of the awards in November.”