Webinar on fraud and cyber crime
Facing up to the threat of fraud and cyber crime will be the focus of a webinar held by national audit, tax, advisory and risk firm Crowe on Wednesday, January 20.
Johnathan Dudley, Midlands Managing Partner at Crowe, said: “Fraud and cyber crime now represent over 40 per cent of all crime in the UK, and the financial and reputational risk from falling victim to such crime can be devastating.”
Fraud and cyber crime has surged across the world over the last year, especially since the Covid-19 restrictions were introduced in March 2020.
Mr Dudley said: “Criminals have sought to exploit the vulnerabilities of organisations and individual and this is likely to get worse as the economic crisis hits us.
“We need to make sure we are as well protected as possible, but also be able to respond if needed.”
The webinar, which runs from 10am to 11am, will be hosted by partner Jim Gee, who is national head of forensic services, and Eoghan Daly, a director in the forensic services team.
Topics covered on cyber crime will include the evolving and sophisticated threat of phishing, the rapidly growing threat posed by ransomware, and how to find out whether your organisation is being targeted on the Dark Web.
Fraud topics will include the position before Covid-19, the surge in fraud since Covid-19 and what organisations can do to protect themselves, followed by questions and answers to round off the live session.
There is no cost to log into the webinar and details can be obtained from counter.fraud@crowe.co.uk