Webinar on returning to work
Wolverhampton-based EnTRESS (Environmental Technologies and Resource Efficiency Support Service) is holding a free hour-long webinar to help businesses with health and safety in returning to work after the coronavirus lockdown.
It is running on Thursday, June 25, from 11.30am.
Project director Dr Paul Hampton will be highlighting the risks and challenges of returning to work after the lockdown.
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The webinar will look at how to ensure risk assessments are sufficiently robust to meet social distancing requirements and government guidelines.
EnTRESS supports small and medium-sized enterprises on the development and adoption of environmental technologies and resource efficient processes. It is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund and is part of the University of Wolverhampton's faculty of science and engineering.
To register visit eventbrite.co.uk/e/health-safety-considerations-when-returning-to-work-tickets-108447555558