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Queen’s Award masterclass

The Black Country Chamber of Commerce and Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenants from across the region, are inviting chamber members to a Queen’s Award for Enterprise masterclass.

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The event, run in partnership with Birmingham and Coventry and Warwickshire chambers, will be held at Greater Birmingham Chamber offices in Edgbaston and will help promote a greater understanding for businesses when applying for the award.

It starts at 9am on Tuesday, February 26, and those attending will hear from business leaders who have undergone the awards process.

The awards fare for outstanding achievement by UK businesses in the categories of innovation, international trade, sustainable development and promoting opportunity through social mobility.

A recent winner from the Black Country region was Fortress Interlocks in Wolverhampton, who won their third award in 2018 for International Trade. The award was given for outstanding growth in overseas sales.

Managing director of Fortress Jo Smith said: “Winning our third award was a testament to the effort we made to take our solutions to new markets. It was the result of a five-year strategy by Fortress Interlocks to build export growth and target regions such as Europe, Asia Pacific, including China, and the Americas."

The event will offer a unique opportunity for delegates to discuss their own applications and will run throughout the morning finishing at 1pm after networking.

Places are limited to the free event and to book a space contact Adele Wheatley on 024 766 54186 or e-mail:

Speakers at the masterclass event will include Chris Robinson, a chartered marketer and managing director of Boost Awards, and Jenny Horscraft, founder and managing director of Honours List IQ.