Express & Star

German business master class

Companies wanting to explore export opportunities in Germany and Austria can learn how best to conduct business in these markets at a culture master class in Birmingham.


To help companies in the West Midlands region break into those markets, the ERDF SME International Growth Project has organised a half-day workshop on Tuesday, July 24, to enable businesses to learn how best to succeed business in the two countries.

The session will be delivered by specialist culture and communication adviser Gerti Willis.

She said: “Germans are demanding customers and like detailed product information, they are seldom impressed by clever slogans, so getting your export strategy right from the start is crucial.”

The master class aims to help businesses improve communications by advising on how to avoid potentially embarrassing miscommunications that could set back relationships, and giving an insight into similarities and differences of German and Austrian cultural attitudes and values.

It will also cover business and economic environments, negotiation styles, market entry and e-commerce.

The master class is open to any SME in the West Midlands region at the KPMG offices, One Snow Hill, from 9.30am to 12.30pm.

Visit to register.