Express & Star

Proud moment for Wolverhampton book seller after top 100 accolade

A Wolverhampton book seller has been named as one of the top 100 independent businesses by a leading small business campaign.


The Gently Used Book Club, an online business based in Penn Fields, was named as one of the nation’s 100 most impressive independent firms by the Small Business Saturday UK campaign in December.

The business aims to save books from landfill and get them into the hands of readers, with subscribers receiving hand-picked second-hand books delivered to their door every month.

Owner Pat Austin said the accolade was a "proud moment", having kickstarted the business in during the Covid pandemic 2021 with grant funding, support and advice through Wolverhampton City Council's Relight Business Programme.

"It makes me very proud to see my hard work recognised in this way and I’m so grateful to the team at Small Business Saturday for choosing my business to be part of their campaign," she said.

"I could not have done this without the help and support of the business growth team at Wolverhampton Council, and the Black Country Growth Hub.

"The Black Country Growth Hub gave me a grant to have the website built; and the council, as well as giving very useful training on marketing and social media, also gave me a grant for IT equipment, which I really needed.

“Most recently I attended one of the many council workshops – this time a Women Entrepreneurs Masterclass – it was so inspiring to hear the stories from the panel, and great to think I now also have my own story to share.”

The council runs a regular workshop and business diagnostic programme and has helped more than 200 small businesses over the past four months.

Councillor Chris Burden, the council’s Cabinet Member for City Development, Jobs and Skills, said: "Pat is one of the many success stories – we pride ourselves on being an entrepreneurial city, and to think Pat established this business during lockdown and is now seen as one of the top 100 most impressive small firms in the UK by the Small Business Saturday Campaign is just incredible.

"I’m delighted our business growth team has been there to support her along the way.

“We’re determined to keep Wolverhampton’s business community vibrant and resilient by working with our local businesses and their employees, those who are self-employed, and those looking to start a business."