Specsavers teams helped prepare Harriers’ ground for the new season

Staff from three Specsavers manufacturing and distribution sites based in Kidderminster have volunteered more than 60 hours helping to clean and repaint sections of the Kidderminster Harriers ground.


The teams from Vision Labs, Lens Online and International Glazing Services joined forces to support Kidderminster Harriers Academy as part of their combined pledge with manufacturing and distribution sites across the UK to volunteer 2,400 hours supporting local organisations throughout the financial year.

In preparation for the start of the season, the Specsavers teams helped staff from Kidderminster Harriers Academy to repaint fences and posts around the Aggborough Stadium site, pick up litter and clean seats in the stadium, sprucing up the ground to welcome fans.

Rachel Baldwin, warehouse manager at all three Specsavers sites, said: ‘We had a great time volunteering with the Kidderminster Harriers Academy and it felt good to do something that so many people in the community will be able to benefit from when they head to Aggborough Stadium.

‘Having collected numerous bags of litter from around the site, it’s a great reminder to all of us in the community to dispose of our waste appropriately and keep the ground clean so that everyone can enjoy visiting.’

To date, the teams from Specsavers have volunteered over 200 hours, supporting local organisations such as assisting with various gardening and maintenance jobs across areas of the Kidderminster Rifle Range and helping Birchen Coppice Primary Academy transform an unused classroom into a new school library.

Between them, the three sister businesses provide lens surfacing as well as stocking and distributing lenses and contact lenses to Specsavers UK optical businesses.