Express & Star

Dudley nightspot escapes closure despite 'series of reported serious incidents' including man allegedly armed with a gun

A Dudley nightspot escaped closure despite a series of reported serious incidents at the premises including a man allegedly armed with a gun.

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The Grand 8 venue was the subject of a request from West Midlands Police for its licence to be revoked on the grounds of prevention of crime and public safety.

The request was heard at a meeting of Dudley Council’s licensing sub-committee on July 16.

Councillors on the committee were told the High Street nightclub, previously known as The Venue, had been operating since 2013 without problems.

The Grand 8 venue in High Street Dudley

Since the new year, after the licence was transferred to its current holders, Hospitality 8 Ltd, the premises had hosted ‘high-risk events’ like Round Robins (parties that take place in clubs around the region).

In their evidence to the committee, West Midlands Police said: “Round Robin events are deemed as high-risk events by West Midlands Police as they are clearly known to attract gang members.”

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