Express & Star

Businesses paying 30 per cent too much in rates, says Labour candidate

Most high-street businesses are paying about 30 per cent more in rates than they need be, says Labour's hopeful to become the West Midlands' next elected mayor.

Richard Parker

Richard Parker, who has been selected to challenge Andy Street at next year's mayoral election, said business rates were one of the major factors holding the area back.

And he said many businesses were paying more than they needed to because they did not understand the rules and the appeal system.

"Most businesses on the high street are paying about 30 per cent more business rates than they need to," he said.

Mr Parker was setting out his case to be mayor to business leaders at a working lunch hosted by the Oldbury-based Richardson group.

Speaking to the Express & Star after the event, said a wide-ranging review of the business rates system was long overdue.

He said this would be a priority for an incoming Labour government, but he said there was also the need to address the problem of businesses paying too much simply because they did not understand the system.

"A better understanding of what grant support is available, whether they are eligible for rebates, and whether they might have grounds to appeal is needed," he said.