Express & Star

Ladder for Staffordshire: Academy's focus on apprenticeships

Ladder for Staffordshire supporter Chase Terrace Academy ran a week of activities to mark National Apprenticeship Week.

Carrie Cain, left, and Julie Poppleton

The Burntwood school employs apprentices with the most recent joining in the autumn.

Carrie Cain, assistant headteacher, said: “Our careers programme is a golden thread that runs through the school curriculum and inspires our young people to aim high and follow their dreams. NAW plays an important part in this careers programme, and we are grateful to the companies and organisers of the events taking place in this week, as they help our students make an informed decision about their next steps.”

During the week students learnt about apprenticeships and the labour market and worked on their employability skills.

Every day featured a range of lunch time activities and visits from external speakers.

Sixth Form and Year 11 students interested in careers in law took part in an ‘Ask a Justice’ event and the Stafford College Apprenticeship Bus visited.

Julie Poppleton, careers advisor, said: “There are an increasing number of students that are looking to go down apprenticeship routes. As a school we are engaging with employers who are looking to grow their own talent and are offering apprenticeships at intermediate, advanced or higher degree level.”

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