Express & Star

Sounding the note to launch city centre business awards

Wolverhampton Business Improvement District has launched its search for the best in the city centre.

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City musician Ryan Evans helped sound the note to get people nominating for the Wolverhampton BID Excellence Awards onon Valentine’s Day at the Change Makers Hub at the railway station.

The new awards programme has been established to recognise and champion the talent, hard work and resilience found in Wolverhampton’s city centre businesses.

There are 12 categories which focus on industry and customer service excellence, as well as individuals’ and businesses’ efforts and achievements.

Cherry Shine, Wolverhampton BID’s managing director said: “The city centre is the beating heart of Wolverhampton’s economy. It brings people together in a way that the online world just cannot replicate.

"We’re urging all businesses in the Wolverhampton city centre BID area, whatever their size or sector, to enter the BID Excellence Awards, so that we can showcase their important contribution to the economy.

Two categories – unsung hero and the people’s favourite business – are open to nominations from the public.

Cherry added: “If there is someone in a city centre business or organisation who always goes out of their way to brighten your day or who has helped you in a time of need, we want to hear about them. You can nominate them at the Enjoy Wolverhampton website.”

Businesses can also enter the awards via

The deadline for entries is Friday, April 21 with finalists to be announced in May. People will be able to vote online for the people's favourite via the website.

Three city centre businesses, Cafe Royale on Victoria Street, North Street Food, and Cafe Rosa, Lichfield Street, catered the launch event with singer-songwriter Ryan providing entertainment.

The BID Excellence Awards will culminate in an awards ceremony at Grand Station on July 13.

The BID has an established relationship with more than 400 city centre businesses and extended reach with the general public through the Enjoy Wolverhampton brand.

"The awards is something we have wanted to do for a long time to recognise the richness of the businesses in the city centre which is a special place and the beating heart of the Wolverhampton economy," added Cherry.