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Wolverhampton offers among highest paid apprentice jobs in the country

Wolverhampton is ranked among the top 10 places offering the highest paid apprenticeships at over £30,000 a year.

Last updated

Job description checks by job board RateMyApprenticeship listed the city as the fourth highest city providing placements at an average figure of £33,029; followed by Coventry at £29,467.

The data which found that accountant placements were the highest paid nationally was published to mark National Apprenticeship Week from February 6-12.

RateMyApprenticeship's Oliver Sidwell, said: “Kickstarting your career isn’t a simple choice and the reality is that there are locations that lend themselves better to certain industries to offer more fruitful opportunities.

"Understanding where these hotspots are can be a useful starting point that when considered with salary and feasibility of relocating, can help make this big decision more informed.

"With more people looking to choose the apprenticeship route, over going to college or university full-time, there has been a growing need for help in finding these jobs and more tailored websites suited for those looking to get into an apprenticeship role.”

Sunderland has the highest salary apprenticeships with an average of £49,758; followed by Manchester and Southampton with averages of £43,884 and £34,883.