Bridgnorth coffee shop is closed by bailiffs
A popular Bridgnorth coffee shop has been forced to close after the business's landlord called in the bailiffs.
Shoppers and visitors found Carrie England, which traded from 45 High Street, closed this week, with a notice placed on store's front door.
The notice, from Commercial Rent Bailiffs Ltd, reads: "Under schedule 12 of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007, we as acting agents and with the authority of your landlord have today secured these premises to avoid any assets being removed under a warrant of control or controlled goods agreements."
It goes on to say that any unauthorised entrance to the shop would be considered a "criminal offence".

The notice was posted up in January although was seemingly mistakenly dated as February 8.
The shop has a similar name to Carrie England Interiors in Cartway, a business that has yet to open in Bridgnorth.
Business owner of Carrie England, Carrie Bate, declined to comment.