Owners of crumbling eye infirmary told 'get on with redevelopment'
Developers behind proposals to carry out a £30 million revamp of Wolverhampton's former eye infirmary site say the scheme has been welcomed by the community.
Russell Architects and BZ Property Holdings have been carrying out a public consultation exercise over the scheme to regenerate three former NHS buildings once used for the infirmary, nurses’ homes, outpatients and accident and emergency departments.
They met with residents and councillors at an event held at University of Wolverhampton’s Brownfield Institute last month.
Liam Russell Architects director Liam Russell said: "We have found that the consultation has been hands down positive.
"From consultations we would normally take things away to change, but this time the overriding message was 'please get on with the development'.
"We have met with the majority of interested councillors, the group leaders and the city council's chief executive."

The plans involve converting the site at the Compton Road and Merridale Road junction, in Chapel Ash, into 24 flats, building 51 other flats while the former nurses’ home will be converted into an eating disorder clinic in along with new special educational needs unit.
BZ Properties purchased the site three years ago, but there were delays due to a failed sale. Last month Wolverhampton Council approved plans for a compulsory purchase order for the property, claiming it had run out of patience with the developers.
The dilapidated infirmary building opened in 1888 and services moved to New Cross Hospital in 1997.
Since then it has been the scene of vandalism and arson attacks and was even used as a squat for drug addicts and alcoholics.
In 2013 three men had to be rescued after a fire in the building that saw around 30 firefighters called to tackle the blaze.