Express & Star

Company gets behind hospice campaign

A financial services company is getting behind the campaign to raise funds to secure the future of a Black Country hospice.

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Colleagues at Abacus Wealth Services, in Brierley Hill, have planned a programme of activity to support the bid to keep open Acorns Children’s Hospice in Walsall.

They plan to undertake a range of sporting and other fundraising challenges to contribute to the Save Acorns Black Country Hospice Appeal, which aims to collect £2 million.

The Abacus management team is shaping plans to generate donations throughout 2021.

Abacus Wealth Services has signed up to be a corporate partner for Acorns, designating the charity as their fundraising good cause and generating other chances to provide support including volunteering opportunities.

Daniel Paton, financial adviser at Abacus Wealth Services, said the team were pleased to support Acorns in their fundraising appeal.

He said: “Everyone at Abacus Wealth Services is pleased to be able to play our part in raising funds for Acorns, who do such magnificent work for families when they need them the most.

“As a Black Country business, we understand the positive impact which the hospice has upon our region so we were delighted to become a partner to help get them to their target.

“We enjoy working towards a goal, so we look forward to completing our own challenges to be part of the bid to preserve Acorns’ excellent services. Being part of their campaign will be rewarding for our colleagues in these difficult times as no matter what, they are always pleased to give something back to the region where we live and work.”

Across its three specialist centres, Acorns Children’s Hospice provides specialist palliative care for children and young people with life limiting and life-threatening conditions along with support for their families.

The Black Country hospice, in Walstead Road, Walsall, is at the centre of a major fundraising appeal.

The Save Acorns Black Country Hospice Appeal was launched to raise £2m to help secure the longer-term future of the local lifeline.

Vicki Rowles, head of fundraising at Acorns Children's Hospice, visited the Abacus team to officially announce their partnership. She said: “With the support of Abacus Wealth Services, we can be there for local families when they need us most.

“It is fantastic to see Abacus Wealth Services designate us as their charity partner to help the children, parents, brothers, sisters, nurses and volunteers at Acorns. Their support will directly benefit the hundreds of local life limited and life threatened children who use our Black Country Hospice.

“We remain hopeful and we are extremely grateful for those people and businesses like Abacus Wealth Services who have supported the appeal to ensure that Acorns in the Black Country is open to provide care and support.”

To find out more about the charity partnership between Abacus Wealth Services and Acorns go to

To read more about the Acorns appeal go to

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