Express & Star

Work starts on 250-home housing estate at old Caparo site in Walsall

Work has started to transform the site of a derelict Black Country steelworks into a housing estate.

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The £44 million Lockside scheme will see 252 homes built at the 16-acre site of the former Caparo Engineering works in Walsall.

It follows a multi-million-pound grant from the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) under its ‘brownfield first’ policy.

Remediation works started this week and are set to take four months to complete. It includes demolition and extensive earthworks, which will prepare the site for housebuilding, which is due to commence in December 2020.

West Midlands Mayor Andy Street, said: "Before coronavirus struck, the West Midlands economy was growing fast, living standards were improving and there was a rapid expansion in house building.

"The pandemic has hit hard but we must not be knocked off course. Throughout the crisis we have continued to use Government funding to not only unlock derelict sites like this one for new homes and jobs but to also give local people the skills they need to work in the industries of the future.

"The start of work here is just part of our wider plans to get our economy back on track and regain our previous momentum.

"By investing in the future, we can safeguard existing jobs, create new ones and give people the opportunity of a good quality, affordable home."

The scheme on Green Lane is the first development for Anthem Lovell LLP, a partnership between Lovell and Anthem Homes, a subsidiary of housing association whg.

Councillor Adrian Andrew, deputy leader and regeneration chief at Walsall Council, said: "This is major step forward and another piece of the jigsaw of regenerating our borough.

"This site has been derelict for nearly a decade and the intervention of WMCA has led to the clean-up of the site and a partnership with Lovell and whg, demonstrating our commitment to developing brownfield land first.

"This multi-million-pound investment is a huge boost to Birchills and the wider borough creating homes and jobs."

The development will include 78 affordable homes and is expected to take five years to complete, with the first homes ready by July 2021.

The estate will feature one, two, three and four-bedroom homes, with 132 available for sale on the open market.

Meanwhile whg will take on 120 properties including, 32 for private rent, 38 for affordable rent and shared ownership and a 50-unit housing scheme for the elderly.

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