Express & Star

Business leaders discuss West Midlands' economic recovery

Business leaders across the region have come together virtually to discuss how to kick-start the West Midlands' economy.

West Midlands Mayor Andy Street

West Midlands Mayor Andy Street and Severn Trent CEO Liv Garfield held the talks as the region recovers from the coronavirus crisis.

It saw representatives from HSBC, Birmingham Airport, National Express and NEC Group all take part to discuss the issue.

Mr Street said: "At the heart of the West Midlands economy is jobs and people’s livelihoods, and we have to do everything we can to keep as many people in work as possible.

"As well as the future of the furloughing scheme, it was good to convene the region’s senior business leaders and leading companies to discuss what a successful economic recovery would look like, and what can be done to ensure people will still have work to go to as we move through the pandemic."

The mayor is spearheading the region's economic recovery work – alongside the West Midlands Combined Authority's economy and innovation lead Councillor Ian Brookfield, and the region's Economic Impact Group.

Business leaders said the economic recovery would need to be "green" and focus on creating quality employment which builds a sustainable – and inclusive – economy.

A main feature of the discussions was around the need for the economic recovery to be green, and focus on creating quality employment that builds a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient regional economy for the future.

Liv Garfield, Severn Trent CEO, said: "These are such remarkable times it’s important we don’t lose sight of the fact that, as we try to get back to something like normal, all of those concerns we had before the pandemic hit are still there.

"Climate change hasn’t gone away just because we’ve been in lockdown so, as businesses, we’re still looking to government to create a framework that encourages everyone to become more sustainable.

"We all need to do what we can to help cut emissions as we move towards a lower carbon future and protect the natural environment."