Small business displays positive post-lockdown spirit
While small businesses have been among the worst-hit by the devastating effects of coronavirus, the courage, community spirit and resilience shown by people across the country has given many a renewed sense of energy and value.
The Government lockdown and self-isolation period has forced a large number of self-employed people to question the uncertainty of their futures and livelihood.
But given time to reflect and plan – along with assistance from the Government’s Small Business Grant Fund – a lot of niche High Street shops are ready to face life post-lockdown feeling strangely reinvigorated.
Wolverhampton businesswoman Nicola Thompson, who owns and manages Lavandula Blu Beauty & Holistic Therapies in Lichfield Road, Wednesfield, is just one example.
Due to working in close proximity with clients, her business falls into one of the more ‘high-risk’ categories in terms of remaining closed to help prevent the spread of the virus.
“In the run up to the Covid-19 lockdown, I – like many other small business owners – was very concerned about what impact the pandemic would have on my business,” said 46-year-old Nicola, who ran her practice from home for three years before opening the salon five years ago.
“I must admit, in the early days of lockdown I was very worried. I wondered how on earth any of us would survive with absolutely no income. And talking to a friend in the same industry, the consensus was generally the same.
“However, once the government began outlining all of the help that was going to be made available to small and medium-sized businesses, my worries quickly turned into more positive thoughts.
“The free time I had all of a sudden spurred me into looking at ways I could streamline my business and make it more bouyant post-lockdown.
“So, in actual fact, for me personally the lockdown has benefited my business more than it has hindered it in a strange sense.
“I have put the time I have spent off work to very good use. I have refurbished and totally redecorated my salon and added a new treatment room.
“Also, I will be reopening alongside another therapist and friend, Sam Wildman, who has been in this business for some 20 years,” she added.
“We will be combining our knowledge and expertise to offer even more treatments and appointments as soon as we are allowed.
“So, while it’s been a huge struggle and a very devastating few months for so many people, I’m looking forward to working alongside the whole community to finally pull through this with a view to thriving on the other side.”
Since the government’s grants scheme went live, Wolverhampton Council has been working to help eligible businesses access the vital funding.
Councillor Harman Banger, the council’s cabinet member for city economy, said: “Small businesses are the backbone of our economy but have been hit hard by the lockdown.
“We are doing everything we can to make it as quick and easy as possible for our small businesses to access this money.”
More information on business rates, business grants, labour costs and welfare, business loans and deferring tax liabilities can be found in the employer and business section at