Express & Star

Paint recycling plant plans approved

An empty industrial unit in Halesowen is to become a paint recycling business after planners gave the thumbs up to a proposal.

Last updated

Dudley Council planners said granting permission for the scheme by Sterling Group, based at Belfont Trading Estate in Mucklow Hill, would provide a welcome economic boost to the area.

One neighbour had objected to the plans saying the change from factory and manufacturing use to the paint recycling business would have a negative affect on the environment as well as cause noise and air pollution.

But officers said the operation would be generally in keeping with the rest of the trading estate and approved the plans.

The new business would operate from 7.30am to 5.30pm and would also see the creation of a car park for 20 cars, along with one light goods vehicle, two disability spaces and room for six cycles.

Planning officer Catherine Golightly said: “The application seeks permission to change the use of an existing industrial premises that is currently vacant.

“The proposed use would be compatible with the existing uses within the employment area and it would provide additional employment opportunities within this location.

“As such, the proposal would support the economic growth within this employment land corridor.

“It is therefore considered that the development would be acceptable in this location.”

“The proposed development is located within an area of industrial uses and the proposed use would be in consistent with the wider uses of the site.

“Notwithstanding the comments that have been raised from a nearby occupier in regards to noise, air pollution and environment protection measures, the head of environmental health and trading standards have raised no objection to the proposed development.”