Birmingham New Road McDonald's set to become 24/7 despite objections

A McDonald’s looks set to be opened 24 hours a day despite dozens of objections from neighbours.

Last updated

An application to change the opening hours of the outlet in Birmingham New Road, Coseley, is being opposed by local people and all three ward councillors.

McDonald’s has applied to Dudley Council to change a condition which limits the time it is allowed to trade.

The application has led to 33 letters of objections citing noise nuisance, litter, anti-social behaviour and light pollution.

But Dudley Council planning officers are recommending temporary approval of the application for 12 months after which the opening hours will be reviewed.

Councillor Susan Ridney, the ward councillor for Coseley East, said McDonald’s slogan may be ‘I’m lovin it' but residents are far from being enamoured with the idea of 24-hour trading.

She and her fellow local council members have objected on residents’ behalf, saying longer opening hours would increase the likelihood of anti-social behaviour with people congregating in the car park and surrounding area.

Householders also fear a rise in noise and light pollution.

Councillor Ridney said: “I have nothing against the company and often take my grandkids to eat at their restaurants and I’m very grateful to have them during the school holidays.

The plans to open McDonald's 24 hours a day has prompted concerns from residents in Coseley

“We are supporting the residents’ objections which basically are about light and noise nuisance and anti-social behaviour on the car park.

“It is the noise from the tannoys, the noise from cars pulling up.

“Often they pull on the car park late at night and do their wheelies and that’s not fair on people.

“There are houses with elderly residents and families with young children who trying to sleep and I understand their complaints.”

A spokesman for McDonald's said: “We have applied for permission to allow our McDonald’s restaurant in Coseley to remain open to customers for 24 hours.

"We are pleased that council officers have recommended that the application should be approved, subject to various conditions, which we are happy to comply with.

“Should this application be approved we anticipate that this will create up to a further 12 jobs.

"We are committed to being a good neighbour and have worked to reduce potential noise from the restaurant by lowering volumes on the speaker system and commissioning a noise assessment.”

Councillors will make a decision on the application at their meeting on August 13.