New micro-bar opens in Cannock
A new family-run micro bar has opened in Cannock.

The Arcade Music Shop in Mill Street which has been going since 1983 has been split in half, and turning it into a micro-bar.
The new bar is called the Arcade and opened on Friday.
Scott Sieradzki runs the family businesses with his parents John and Jane and his four brothers.
He said: "It's a family-run venture, it's mum and dad's music shop.
"We decided to open a new bar and are trying to get a bit of a community vibe.
"We're trying to make it a bit of a destination, a cool place to come in Cannock.
"We're offering a range of gins, spirits, nice wine and craft beet.
"The music shop is still running, this is a family investment, we're just wanting to offer something else.
"I've been in the service game for a long time so we wanted to provide a new service for the area.
"The first weekend has been really good, we've had some cracking feedback and it has been really busy.
"We're doing out bit to try and make Cannock a destination place to come to so residents don't have to go out of the area and people can have a good night out in Cannock."