Express & Star

Halesowen runner's race mission is a dream come true

Leaving the house at 5am on a Monday morning to go running is not everyone's cup of tea.

Martin Vale is running the London Marathon in aid of Make-A-Wish Foundation UK

But for Martin Vale it's become a way of life as he steps up his training ahead of taking part in his first London Marathon.

"When I'm running I'm definitely in my happy place," says the father of two, who is one of around 50,000 runners to have secured a place on the starting line of the world famous event on Sunday, April 23.

"It's something that's always been on my list to do so I decided to take the plunge. I've run a few 10k races but this is the first big one."

The 34-year-old, who lives in Halesowen, began running seriously during the Covid-19 lockdowns and would set himself milestones to hit as he improved his fitness and built up his stamina and endurance.

"I got up to half-marathon distance and I thought I'm going to keep it up until I can do a marathon," the training and development consultant tells Weekend.

He will be taking on the 26.2 mile course, which encompasses many of the capital's famous landmarks, in aid of Make-A-Wish Foundation UK, a charity he began volunteering for last year.

The charity grants wishes to children all over the country who have been diagnosed with a life-limiting or life-threatening condition.

Make-A-Wish aims to empower them with the chance to choose a wish that's unique to them, when so much else has been decided for them because of their health needs. At the same time, they can create happiness and memories that the whole family will be able to cherish.

"I wanted to run the marathon for charity so something else positive came out of it," Martin tells Weekend.

"It’s a charity close to my heart as I grew up with a severely disabled older brother, who’s sadly now passed away, and have worked in special educational needs schools and currently volunteer with children and young people in my local church," he explains.

Martin with is two-year-old son Finley

Some of the wishes that have been granted by the charity range from trips to Disneyland Paris and Lapland to once-in-a-life activities such as feeding tigers at the zoo, attending a film premiere and being head chef at a top hotel.

Martin is part of a team known as Wish Makers who are volunteers tasked with helping children to unlock their wildest imagination to create their wish.

"I communicate with the families and young people themselves to help imagine their wish, before that being passed on to another team who bring the wish to fruition," he explains.

"When I speak to young person and they're getting excited about their wish, whether it's meeting a famous YouTuber or having their bedroom redecorated, it's a great feeling."

To prepare for his marathon mission, Martin is currently out running four times a week, fitting his training in around his family and work commitments.

"Training is going really well. I'm often out at 5am on a Monday morning fitting it before work. I'm a morning person so I'm normally up at that time and can make the most of it," he tells Weekend.

He has been building up the mileage over the past weeks and is currently up to the half-marathon distance of 13.1 miles.

Martin enjoys early morning runs as part of his training

Martin says all of the support, encouragement and donations that he has received since announcing his fundraising mission are helping to spur him on.

"I think it's wonderful to switch off for a little bit. I also enjoy that competition against myself and pushing myself to go further.

"I like he being the only person on the streets and where I live, it doesn't take long before I'm out in the countryside. I like being surrounded by nature especially when the sun is coming up. I quite like the solitude of being myself," he tells Weekend.

At the moment he is feeling more excited than daunted by the challenge that awaits him when he joins the starting line in the Greenwich/Blackheath area of London.

"I'm sure the nerves will kick in as the day get closer but at this point I'm feeling really positive.

"I have a few friends who have done it before and they have told me the atmosphere is incredible and the streets are lined with people cheering you on," says Martin.

*Anyone wishing to sponsor Martin can visit his fundraising page at

For further information about the charity, see

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