Express & Star

Trainer shares top tips to help you stay in shape during the lockdown

At times like this it can be easy to let ourselves fall into despair and disrepair... but we’re not about to let self-isolation get the better of us, are we?


The current situation presents us with an unlikely opportunity to actually take very good care of ourselves. We may not be able to go to the gym or train in classes right now, but we can utilise our time at home to stay fit, and in doing so feel more positive, motivated and relaxed.

Helping us show that exercise at home can be fun, successful and easy to do, personal trainer Paul Edwards is here to offer his workout wisdom, training tips and fitness finesse to people of all levels and abilities.

“I’ve spent over 20 years in the health and fitness industry, working in all areas including childhood obesity, and I’ve also worked with elite athletes,” he said.

“I am passionate about trying to support people through this difficult time, believing if we all stay fit and healthy we are not only putting ourselves in the best place to fight the virus, but also to cope with the stresses of work, isolation, family life and more.

“I would love everyone to not just ‘get through’ the next few months, but embrace this extra time at home to focus on the health and fitness of themselves and their family!

“Whether it’s through this newspaper, my Facebook or through Instagram, please never hesitate to contact me if you need any support and advice. I know by supporting each other we will come out of the other side stronger as individuals and as a country!”

Paul’s top exercises to get you moving include:



“Perfect for helping with leg strength and mobility. Plus because you’re using the body’s largest muscles this is great for getting your heart rate up and burning calories.

“Line your feet up about hip-width apart. Sit your body weight back on your heels, keeping your knees in line with your toes.

“If you suffer any joint pain, only go as low as you can before this starts.”



– Easy (off your knees) Hard (off your feet)

“This will help strengthen your body’s most important muscle in your core. Every movement you make, these muscles have to engage. So the stronger they are, the better your whole body will work.

“Lie down on your front, bringing your elbow under your chest. Squeeze your tummy in tight and lift your body weight up, resting on your elbows and feet/knees.

“If you feel anything on your lower back, lower your body down, have a rest and try again. Your lower back will take the pressure when your abs get tired.”

Home Workout


Create your own home workout with Paul’s exercises

Always have some water to drink through the workout.

Make sure you’ve chosen some good music to keep you motivated

Start with a quick warm-up

n Jogging on the spot – 20 seconds

n Punching out in front – 20 seconds

n Star jumps – 20 seconds

Grab a drink

Beginners Workout

1 x 30 seconds each exercise with 15 seconds rest in between each one.

Intermediate Workout

1 x 45 seconds each exercise with 15 seconds rest in between each one.

Advanced Workout

1 x 60 seconds each exercise with 15 seconds rest in between each one.

Grab a drink

And then repeat the above if you feel you can, grab a drink, go again, etc

Paul added: “Always work at your own pace. I’d rather you take it easy on your first go, feel good and then try a bit more the next time, rather than over doing it day one.

“For any more support and advice please follow my socials and I’d love to hear from you.”

n Contact Paul on or