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'We are extremely proud!': Staff and pupils at Wolverhampton primary celebrate Ofsted praise

A Wolverhampton primary school which is "ambitious for all its pupils" has been praised by Ofsted.

Pupils and staff at Long Knowle Primary School celebrating the Ofsted inspection outcome
Pupils and staff at Long Knowle Primary School celebrating the Ofsted inspection outcome

The education watchdog visited Long Knowle Primary School in Wednesfield at the end of January and found it had maintained its ranking of "Good" which it achieved upon a full inspection in 2016.

In their report, the Ofsted inspectors said: "Pupils say ‘everyone is included’ at Long Knowle Primary School. The school is ambitious for all its pupils. Pupils achieve well, particularly in reading.

"Each day pupils do their best to live the school’s ‘RIGHT’ (Respect, Inspire, Grow, Honesty and Together) values. There is a strong culture of safety and wellbeing. Pupils say ‘teachers are amazing and kind’. 

"Staff listen to and act on any worries or concerns that pupils have. Pupils are happy and safe. They enjoy attending."

Pupils and staff at Long Knowle Primary School celebrating the Ofsted inspection outcome
Pupils and staff at Long Knowle Primary School celebrating the Ofsted inspection outcome

The school was said to have "high behaviour expectations" of youngsters, who were described as "polite and well-behaved".

The inspectors noted that classrooms at the Blackwood Avenue school are "calm and orderly", adding pupils "settle quickly" to complete tasks.

Youngsters were said to benefit from the school's "strong enrichment offer" which inspires them to "broaden their horizons and be their personal best", such as by singing in the choir or learning to play a musical instrument.

Teachers were found to have the knowledge to teach the curriculum well however in a few subjects, inspectors noted some aspects of knowledge and skills pupils needs to know are "unclear".

Ofsted found that while the school's revised approach on checking how well youngsters learn the curriculum over time is having a "positive impact", sometimes the information is "not consistently used well to plan next steps in pupils’ learning".

Overall, inspectors found Long Knowle Primary School had taken action to maintain its "Good" standards.

Headteacher Julie Bond said: "We are extremely proud of the report at Long Knowle and I am pleased the hard work of all the staff has been recognised and validated. 

"We look forward to continuing our positive relationships with our children and families.”

Councillor Jacqui Coogan, Wolverhampton Council's cabinet member for children, young people and education, added: "Congratulations to everyone at Long Knowle Primary School on another super inspection report – it makes for excellent reading and describes a school where pupils are happy, safe and achieving well.”