Renters to pay hundreds more as West Midlands rents predicted to rise 14pc by 2030
The average cost of renting a home in the West Midlands is predicted to rise by 14 per cent by 2030.

Zero Deposit has analysed historic rental market data from the Office for National Statistics for each region of England, before using this data to forecast what the average cost of renting could look like by 2030 based on historic market trends.
Currently, the average tenant across England is paying £994 per month in rent. This cost has climbed by five per cent in the last year alone and 37 per cent since 2013.
For the West Midlands there was a nine per cent – £64 – rise to £796 per calender month. From 2023 to 2030 the rise is estimated at £115.
London is not only home to the highest average cost of renting at £1,873 per month, but this cost has climbed by 12 per cent or £201 per month on the year.