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New data shows levels of safeguarding referrals to teachers in region

New data has shown a significant rise in the number of safeguarding referrals made in West Midlands schools.


The NSPCC has revealed results from a joint UK-wide survey with the teaching union NASUWT, which highlights the essential role that schools play in safeguarding children and the concerning landscape of abuse and neglect.

More than 600 teachers were surveyed in the West Midlands, and 94 per cent of those who shared an opinion said they had seen an increase in the number of safeguarding referrals made within their school over the past year, with 59 per cent stating that increase was "significant".

The survey also revealed the types of referrals that teachers in the region have seen an increase in over the past year.

These include 87 per cent of teachers having seen an increase in neglect referrals, 88 per cent for emotional abuse referrals, 73 per cent for physical abuse referrals and 50 per cent having see an increase in sexual abuse referrals.

The NSPCC said the findings underline the vital role that schools play in keeping children safe, and how important it is that everyone connected to education knows how to recognise and respond to concerns whether they happen in the classroom, corridor or community.

The charity has worked with educators for many years, including visiting primary schools with its Speak out Stay safe assembly and workshop, launching a new resource for teachers, Talk Relationships and running a special Abuse in Education helpline following the Everyone’s Invited revelations.

It has now announced that it is putting schools at the heart of its annual Childhood Day by launching the Childhood Day Mile on June 9.

Sir Peter Wanless, NSPCC CEO said: “The vital role that teachers play in keeping children and young people safe cannot be underestimated. They are in a prime position to spot concerns, and, in many cases, they are the trusted adults that children turn to when something worrying, or upsetting has happened to them.

“We know that the pandemic left many children at an increased risk of abuse and neglect and since children returned to school, teachers have been key in raising their hand and reporting concerns to ensure they can get the support they need.

“Whilst we recognise that teachers are an essential part of the jigsaw in protecting children, at the NSPCC, we believe everyone can play their part.

“Strong communities are vital in helping to keep children safe, and that’s why we are encouraging people to do their bit in their community and get behind Childhood Day 2023 by taking on the Childhood Day Mile.

“Everyone can get involved from schools, work colleagues and families and by taking part, you’ll be helping the NSPCC ensure child protection is a top priority.”

The NSPCC is urging anyone with concerns about a child, even if they’re unsure, to contact the NSPCC Helpline to speak to one of the charity’s professionals.

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