Year 3 pupils come together with members Welsh National Opera for a performance exploring climate change
Primary school students in the Black Country have come together to create an operatic performance highlighting the issue of climate change.

The year 3 pupils at Shireland Technology Primary in Smethwick have worked for six-weeks on the project with members of the Welsh National Opera.
Children have thoroughly enjoyed working with the company, taking part in workshops to learn more about this expressive form of theatre.
Philip McCahill, year 3 teacher, said: "It has been a six-week program which aims to highlight the carbon footprint and brings in music to do so.
"It has been a project for over half a term, with the children working for two hours a week on a Tuesday afternoon with three artists from the Welsh National Opera.
"Firstly, they gave the children an awareness of opera with a performance in front of the class.
"Then over the term we have been learning about a theme called 'Planet SOS', based on a book of the same name.
"It explores climate change and our role in that and represents each of the type of pollution as a different monster.
"The children have considered what we can do to reduce the impact on climate change in the future.
"The performance has bought all their learning together with songs they have written about the issues and what we can do about.
All 32 children from the class are a part of the performance, and the school could not be more proud of them.
Philip added: "From my perspective the children have embraced the opportunity with both hands.
"This was their first ever performance to a live audience because of Covid over the last two years.
"They have really embraced it and taken it on, it has been an outstanding achievement for children of their age.
So far the children have performed with members of the Welsh National Opera in front of parents, the publisher of the book 'Planet SOS' and Dame Evelyn Glennie, a deaf virtuoso percussionist.
Their final performance will see them show the rest of the school what they have been working on.