Stourbridge pub horror heroes to get top national life-saving honour
Three heroes, who saved the life of a man who almost bled to death after going on the attack in a Stourbridge pub, are to be awarded top national life-saving honours.

The attacker was saved thanks to the quick-thinking actions of two staff members at the Old Crispin Inn, in Church Street, and a police officer, who have now been recognised for their efforts.
The attacker first assaulted a member of the pub security staff, then using his bare fist smashed a hole in the front window of the premises.
However he gashed his arm below the elbow and cut into an artery, which began bleeding profusely.
Two of the pub's staff, bar manager Timothy Stubbs and security supervisor Adam Partridge, went to try to stem the bleeding but in doing so had to hold down the man, who was still fighting.
He then began losing consciousness due to the loss of blood and they initially used a large roll of blue paper as a temporary means of attempting to stem the bleeding.
Pc Leigh Alexander then arrived at the scene with bandages and they bound the wound tightly. However, it continued to bleed and another bandage was applied extra tightly in the fight to stop the man bleeding to death.
Ultimately the man was taken to hospital and went on to recover. But medics who attended the scene said that without the swift makeshift measures used by Mr Partridge, Mr Stubbs and Pc Alexander, the man would have gone into cardiac arrest.
They said the three men had applied “excellent trauma first aid”.
Now the trio are to be awarded top national life-saving honours. They are to receive Royal Humane Society Certificates of Commendation for saving the man’s life.
They have also won the personal praise of Andrew Chapman, secretary of the Royal Humane Society.
“If they had not acted as quickly as they did the man would almost certainly have bled to death,” he said.
“They did a magnificent job in very difficult circumstances.
"The situation was complicated even more by the fact that the man initially had to be held down so that they could do their best to treat him. I hope now he’s recovered he appreciates what they did for him.
“He was extremely lucky they persevered and continued the fight to save him. They richly deserve the awards they are to receive.”