Express & Star

Mum's swimming marathon to aid childhood cancer treatment

The mum of a Lichfield boy who has battled leukaemia is taking on a 10 kilometre swimming marathon next Friday (October 8) to raise money for research into the disease and a charity which grants children's wishes.

Lucy Chatting is taking on a 10 kilometre swimming challenge on Friday to raise money for research into childhood leukaemia.

Lucy Chatting has been training hard for the epic swim which will see her attempt to complete 500 lengths of the outdoor pool at David Lloyd Leisure in Lichfield at 2pm.

The care her son, Carter, 9, received at Birmingham Children's Hospital, inspired Lucy and husband Matthew to set up a charity, Carter The Brave, in its support.

Dozens of fundraisers have been held with proceeds going towards providing equipment to make a child's stay in the hospital during treatment more bearable and research into childhood leukaemia.

Lucy Chatting is taking on a 10 kilometre swim next Friday to raise money for research into childhood leukaemia and a charity which grants wishes for terminally and critically ill children.

The Carter The Brave research project "Starve Leukaemia" is being conducted at BCH by Dr Frank Mussai.

Lucy, 49, says that the first phase of his research has proven that by starving cancer cells of nutrients the process of multiplication and division has been reduced by 60 to 80 per cent in a laboratory setting.

"We desperately need to raise more funds to allow Phase 2 to complete through to the end, which if successful could lead to a clinical trial.

"It is so great to great to have the opportunity to change the future of treatment for paediatric leukaemia.

"There is little research and must try to make these treatment protocols gentler for the children."

Lucy's swim is also raising money for Round Table Children's who grant wishes for terminal or critically-ill children.

Lucy wishes to thank Radhika McCathie, Neal McCathie, Andy Lightbown, Laurie Graves, swimmers joining her on the day, Sunita Kaur Sandhu, Claire Barber, Kirsty Mott, Monica Chatting, Mel Sanders and Wendy Phelps, and everyone who has donated so far.

Anyone wishing to support Lucy with a donation can visit www.justgiving/carterthebrave

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