Express & Star

Bishops back anti-racism report

Bishops from across the region have given their support to a report proposing a culture of change in the Church of England.


The Archbishops' Anti-Racism Taskforce has published its report "From Lament To Action" proposing a suite of changes to begin bringing about a change of culture.

Changes include reviewing and reshaping recruitment processes, reaching out to under-represented ethnic minority communities and working within church schools to hear the voices on ethnic minority children and young people.

The Bishop of Lichfield, the Rt Rev. Dr Michael Ipgrave, said he welcomed the report and recognised there were challenges ahead in the Diocese of Lichfield and across the whole church.

He said: "We need to be courageous in facing difficult issues, in appraising our history and our current position honestly, and in working for concerted change to enable us to become more fully and more visibly the Body of Christ.

"This means honouring, inviting and reconciling people of every colour culture and ethnic origin.

"I am very grateful to the members of our own diocesan Task Group on Racial Justice and Inclusion, who have already begun work in laying foundations for this work.

"I am confident that today’s report will help them and all of us address these tasks with determination, wisdom and hope."

Co-Convenors of Lichfield Diocese's Task Group on Racial Justice and Inclusion, Rev. Pamela Ogilvie and Ven Julian Francis, said: "The purpose of our Task Group is to shape and implement a vision for racial justice, inclusion and equity.

"The group has met five times since it began its work in December 2020.

"The first six months has been focussed on framing a group agenda and producing terms of reference.

"Using the five key areas signified by the national Anti-Racism Task Force (Participation, Education, Training and Mentoring, Young People, Governance and Structures) we are now identifying priorities and action points for our diocesan context."

The Anglican Bishops in the West Midlands have also issued a statement of support following the publication of the report of the Church of England’s Anti-Racism Taskforce.

The statement said: "Racism has no place in the Church of England, but we must face the fact that it still exists.

"As West Midlands bishops, meeting on Stephen Lawrence Day, we strongly affirm the work of the Archbishops’ Anti-Racism Taskforce and the report 'From Lament to Action' issued today.

"We acknowledge our part in past and present failures, and recognise the challenges it presents.

"We wholeheartedly support its recommendations, and look forward to taking them forward with energy and determination."

"From the Bishops of Hereford, Worcester, Gloucester, Lichfield, Birmingham, Stafford, Warwick, Aston, Dudley, Tewkesbury, Wolverhampton, Coventry, and Shrewsbury."