Express & Star

Staffordshire school makes protective visors for front line staff

At a time when we’re all being asked to help support the NHS, The Hart School in Rugeley is playing its part by making protective visors for frontline staff.

School staff with the visors

Following widespread reports of a shortage of protective PPE clothing for health workers, the Hart School’s senior leadership team called GP practices in Rugeley to hear first-hand how they were coping.

They were saddened to find that practices were desperate for protective equipment - with one GP surgery saying they had just three pairs of goggle to share between a team of 10 people.

Over the weekend a team of teaching staff went into the school and designed and manufactured 80 face shields which have started being distributed to surgeries in Rugeley and beyond.

They plan to continue production of the visors this week so that they can extend their help to community health workers, care homes and hospitals.

The visors made by staff at The Hart School

Brereton Surgery is just one of those to benefit and Dr Nicola Davies has sent the following message of thanks to the school: “A massive thank you to all involved in producing and providing the face protection masks delivered to Brereton Surgery.

“They will give us an extra layer of confidence while looking after our poorly patients.”

The school is now calling on local businesses and residents to help bolster their stock of materials to allow them to carry on - and they have already had donations from two local companies, which will allow them to manufacture a further 1,000 face shields.

Principal Chris Keen said: “Staff at The Hart School have been doing their bit to support frontline staff working in our local NHS surgeries by using equipment we have in school to create protective face masks.


“From Monday we have been distributing them to the local GP surgeries, then also out to any care homes in the area that will benefit from them.

“The school would like to acknowledge the following staff - Mr Rushton, Mrs Lewis, Miss Dosanjh, Mr Butterworth and Miss Sandham, along with Ross Arts and Crafts and Fairway Curtains in Rugeley who kindly donated the elastic band for the shields.”

Vice principal Rachael Sandham, who was part of the visor manufacturing team, said: “It felt great to be able to do something constructive for the community to help local health workers.

“We want to continue production and distribution for as long as we possibly can.

Visors have been distributed to GP surgeries

“We have ordered more materials, where we are able to do so, but we would like to issue a plea to help bolster our efforts.

“If any local companies or homes can donate any of the materials then we will be able to continue to manufacture face shields those who need them the most.”

Materials needed are polypropylene sheet 0.8mm – any size or colour - for the headbands, clear acetate, PVC, HIPS, or polypropylene for the visor, sticky back door/window draft excluder and pop rivets 4mm/6mm.

Anyone who can help can contact the school on 01889 802440 or email