City primary top for progress of pupils
A school in the Black Country which was judged 'Good' for the first time ever last year is showing continued improvement, according to the latest performance data.

SS Peter and Paul Catholic Primary Academy in Horden Road, Wolverhampton, has been ranked among the top one per cent of schools in England for the progress its pupils make between the start and end of Key Stage 2 in recent figures released by the government.
Overall, SS Peter and Paul was ranked 14th nationally for the progress made by pupils from the start to end of Key Stage 2 in maths, 37th nationally in reading and 46th nationally in writing.
The school was also ranked top overall in Wolverhampton in terms of progress.
In June 2019, inspectors from Ofsted judged the school to be 'Good' for the very first time, highlighting the effectiveness of leadership and management, and the personal development, behaviour and welfare of pupils as outstanding.
Inspectors found children were "confident and independent learners", and leaders' actions were bringing about "greater consistency and better outcomes for pupils".
Headteacher Jenny Byrne said: “I am proud of our dedicated staff, governors, parents and carers who have a daily determination that our children can excel, whatever their starting point. This is a remarkable achievement for our wonderful school.”
Councillor Dr Michael Hardacre,Wolverhampton Council's cabinet member for education and skills, said: "SS Peter and Paul Catholic Primary Academy is a rapidly improving school – not only is it now judged Good by Ofsted, with outstanding elements, but this data shows its pupils are making excellent progress from the day they join the school to the time they leave for secondary education.
"I would like to pass on my congratulations to Jenny Byrne and everyone connected with SS Peter and Paul Catholic Primary Academy on their continuing success."