Oritse Williams’ manager tells rape trial he touched woman during 'awkward' encounter
The tour manager of ex-JLS star Oritse Williams has told a jury he "initiated" sexual activity with a fan while she was getting intimate with the singer.

Jamien Nagadhana said he was siting on a single bed when rape-accused Williams and the woman started having sex next to him at Wolverhampton's Ramada Park Hall Hotel.
The 32-year-old told told Wolverhampton Crown Court he decided to join in after realising Williams was "struggling" during his "awkward" encounter with the woman, due to the effects of alcohol.
Giving evidence on Tuesday, Nagadhana said: "I initiated a threesome. I thought it was cringey and she was probably not enjoying it in a way that was smooth and fun.
"I thought she might want to have a threesome because of the vibe we were having earlier."

Prosecutors allege long-term friends Nagadhana and Williams, both 32, attacked the woman in the Park Drive hotel after the pop star's solo gig at Gorgeous Nightclub in December 2016.
The alleged victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, shared a taxi with both defendants and her two friends from the club to the hotel - but one woman went home after being sick during the journey.
Nagadhana recalled the two "merry" women talking about their sexual relationships before they started kissing for about 10 seconds in the hotel room.
He said he saw Williams, who had his clothes on, try to grab the hips of the alleged victim before both woman ran into the bathroom for about 10 to 15 minutes.
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The alleged victim's friend looked "distressed" as she left the bathroom and sat on the floor with her hands on her head, before both left.
Nagadhana added: "[The alleged victim] came back to the room. Her and Oritse started getting together more or less straight away, - kissing, hands around each other."
He went on to say the woman "didn't really respond or resist" when he joined the pair as they had sex on a double bed.
She made "no objections" to the sexual touching during the five to six seconds he was involved, Nagadhana claimed.
He added that he stopped the sexual activity on "his own accord" before going to bed and putting the covers over his head.
His barrister Mr David Bentley put it to him: "Was there any time that she resisted or made any comment to suggest she was unhappy?"
Nagadhana replied: "No."
Williams, of Croydon, South London, denies rape and Nagadhana, of Hounslow, West London, denies two counts of sexual assault on December 2, 2016.
The trial continues.