Jack's kind coat rack a hit with Bridgnorth's needy - with video
A kind-hearted Bridgnorth woman called on friends and neighbours to help her set up a free public coat service for the vulnerable this winter.

Jack Miller was inspired by stories of a similar initiative in Leicester Square in London, and took to social media to try and replicate it.
The idea is for members of the public to donate garments to a coat rack, and for needy people to take a coat to keep warm.
Jack said: "I thought it was a really nice idea so I put something on a Facebook group saying that I had the idea, and I had quite a good response.
"One woman said she had a coat rail around and lo and behold, her husband brought it around to our house."
Jack, 70, then put out a plea for coats of all shapes and sizes, and the people of Bridgnorth didn't disappoint, with dozens of donations.
All that needed to be done was to find a home for the coat rail.
"First of all I approached the town food bank but they didn't have the facilities or anywhere to store the coats," said Jack.
"So I had a think and went down to the Co-op because they are usually good with charities.
"They were such a huge help from the minute I went in. The manager [Jason Walton] was so lovely.
"People have responded extremely well. I have only been down there about once a week but it just keeps on living.
"I'm really pleased it's gone so well. I hope people are benefitting from it.
"I'm hoping we can keep it there until the end of winter."
The coat rail has been outside the town's Co-op in Mill Street for about five weeks, and Jack is already racking her brains for an equivalent idea for the summer.
She has worked with various charities throughout her life, and now decorates window displays for charity shops.